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Will AI replace software developers? Find out as we explore the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the future of software development.
March 1, 2024
June 29, 2021
Learn why no-code + AI represents a major opportunity for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, and see a fun example of an AI-powered app we built to prove it!
November 6, 2023
August 25, 2022
2023 is poised to be the year that no-code hobbyists turn into no-code professionals (i.e. people who make their living building software). Read some of the trends we see lining up to create this tipping point in the no-code space.
January 19, 2023
The most successful businesses follow a few simple rules when building software products that excite their users. See them here.
An overview of how no-code development is improving the way standardized software will be built in the future, including when to choose no-code vs. full-code.
Find out how no-code app development can help consulting agencies better serve clients if a recession is coming.
In this piece, Vlad describes the creation of Not Real Twitter, a fully-functional clone of the real Twitter, which he built by himself in just four days.
Software and its development can seem extremely complex. In reality, most of it is not that hard to understand.
No-code is going to enable thousands of new "long-tail" tech startups, focused on serving a narrow audience in a focused way.