A better way to launch your multi-sided marketplace

We use a new no-code approach to help startups and enterprises launch custom multi-sided marketplaces in a fraction of time and cost of traditional development

Wine search page
Checkout page for craft goods

"Working with Airdev was key to our strategy of building out a marketplace for kids activities. What would have once taken 6 months to build, we managed to get to market in 6 weeks. Airdev were very responsive and able to work through complicated challenges in a simplified way."

“Airdev is a great solution for companies who are starting at the very earliest stage, who are trying to launch a new product. But, they’re not just for the brand new ideation and MVP types. Airdev has built a system that’s enabled us to scale as well.”

“Airdev helped me launch my marketplace for therapy services in a fraction of the time and cost quoted by other vendors. Being non-technical, I relied on Airdev's guidance for prioritizing the most critical MVP features to test my hypothesis. Really recommend using this team if you want a strong product to market quickly!”

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Totally flexible

We can build your marketplace with any functionality that you need

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You own it

You own your IP, with no license fees or obligation to continue working with us

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Modern UI

Your marketplace will be modern and beautiful, following the latest UI standards

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5x cheaper and faster than coding

Our approach allows us to build dramatically faster than conventional devs

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Scales with you

Your marketplace will built to scale as your user base grows

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Ongoing support and iteration

We're there to support you as your business evolves and grows

How we do it

We build every marketplace to match client requirements exactly, using Bubble

Bubble is the world's most powerful and flexible no-code platform. It lets us build marketplaces with any UI and functionality, in a fraction of time and cost of coding them. And the Bubble platform allows us to scale and extend your product as you grow.

We standardize lower-level components, ensuring speed and quality

While every marketplace we build is custom, there are common elements between them, like search pages, profile pages, payment experiences, and more. We standardize these components, ensuring that you're getting best-in-class quality without needing to reinvent the wheel.

Canvas components UI

Any kind of marketplace

We built a vintage apparel marketplace where sellers can specify rules to list their goods, evaluate market demand, and determine if an item is sold directly or entered into a raffle contest.

Product Marketplaces

Help connect vendors and customers together in one place to buy and sell physical goods.

Common features

  • Inventory & order management
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Listings & profiles
  • Buyer-seller messaging
  • Ratings & reviews
Profile page of a video content creator for hire

We designed a marketplace to connect video content creators with potential clients. The platform also includes features for sharing project briefs, video samples, chat messenger, and tools to collaborate on and manage video production plans.

Gig Marketplaces

Connect workers with employers on a platform that makes it easy to hire for and find jobs.

Common features

  • Listings & profiles
  • Scheduling & booking gigs
  • Ratings & reviews
  • Messaging & notifications
  • Peer-to-peer payments
UI of rental listings and a map

We launched a marketplace for homeowners to list and rent their homes. Renters can search for listings based on location, price, amenities, and other preferences, and book these accommodations through the platform.

Rental Marketplaces

Connects people who want to rent out their homes or other properties with those looking for short-term rentals.

Common features

  • Search & filters
  • Listings & profiles
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Booking & scheduling
  • Multilingual support

We created a marketplace for developers to list their own custom app integrations and allow users to review sample data, actions that can be performed, and request custom modifications.

Digital Marketplaces

Specialize in buying and selling digital assets like media files, copyrights, raw or preprocessed data.

Common features

  • Users & roles
  • Admin portal
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Search & filters
  • Analytics & reporting dashboard

We built a marketplace for aquaculture farmers to find commercial fishing vessels to service and harvest their offshore fish farms. The platform included contract negotiations and work productivity features like GPS tracking & logging of boats.

Hybrid Marketplaces

Combine key elements from various other types of software platforms like work productivity tools.

Common features

  • Messaging & notifications
  • Users & roles
  • Admin portal
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Analytics & reporting dashboard

We made a marketplace for companies planning team building activities to find single-day events in their locality or build an entirely customized corporate retreat at a destination venue.

Experiences Marketplaces

Connect people seeking and offering various activities and experiences such as guided tours.

Common features

  • Listings & profiles
  • Scheduling & booking
  • User ratings & reviews
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Buyer-seller messaging

We set up a marketplace for artists to list and sell their art, as well as receive requests for commissioned art and NFTs. Collaborators on commissioned work can negotiate if artwork will be purchased by one party or listed in the marketplace with both parties having a partial interest in the sale.

Other Marketplaces

Facilitate complex marketplace mechanics like contract negotiations, escrows, and machine learning.

Common features

  • Users & roles
  • Analytics and reporting dashboard
  • Messaging & file sharing
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Admin portal

Because every marketplace we build custom, pricing depends on the complexity of the functionality that you require.

On the low end, we build basic MVPs of marketplaces, meant to test demand, for as low as $5k.

On the high end, we build enterprise-grade, highly-complex marketplaces for $200k+.

And we do everything in between. The median project is usually between $10k and $100k.

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your needs, and we'll be happy to provide a quote.

Case Studies

We’ve helped our clients launch a wide range of two-sided marketplaces. Our products support millions of users and billions of dollars of transaction volume.

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Because every marketplace we build custom, pricing depends on the complexity of the functionality that you require.

On the low end, we build basic MVPs of marketplaces, meant to test demand, for as low as $5k.

On the high end, we build enterprise-grade, highly-complex marketplaces for $250k+.

And we do everything in between. The median project is usually between $10k and $100k.

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your needs, and we'll be happy to provide a quote.


Common questions

Will my marketplace app scale?

Yes. We always design apps to optimize for scale, based on our understanding of the potential features and user behavior our client envisions. The Bubble technology is built to scale, with the ability to upgrade server capacity as needed (including migrating to a dedicated AWS cluster) to service a growing user base virtually without limit. Bubble provides simple dashboards and notifications to track app capacity usage to help you adjust as needed.

What's the difference between using Bubble vs. a SaaS tool like Sharetribe?

SaaS products like Sharetribe are great if you want to launch a product that perfectly matches the features that they offer. However, if you need something custom, our approach with Bubble is better because we have the flexibility to add or modify any functionality or design aspects of your marketplace.

What is a two sided marketplace?

Two sided marketplaces are platforms that connect buyers and sellers of goods or services with each other and provide the infrastructure for the transaction. This can be a platform to sell physical goods, to find and book services, or  to search and rent assets. There are always at least two sides in a marketplace, one for supplying the product or service and one for acquiring the product or service.

Who owns the IP rights to my application?

You own the rights to your concept, your application, and all user-generated data created through the app. Airdev retains the ownership of the IP for our predesigned page and element templates that we use across multiple projects. More details on this distinction can be found in the client contract you can review before approving a build.

Is Airdev able to support and extend my application as it grows?

Yes, you can come back to us at any point after the initial build for additional work. You can request ad-hoc updates or sign up for a monthly plan, which will come with a certain amount of team capacity.

What technology will my application be built on?

We build on the latest visual programming framework, Bubble, which allows us to build incredibly quickly and flexibly with minimal technical input. This reduces the cost and headache to our clients, and increases app stability out of the gate. Bubble itself is written in CoffeeScript running on Node.js, uses Postgres databases hosted on AWS, and exposes POST or GET APIs for third-party connections. The app can be easily connected to external APIs and the app's database can be easily exported.