Cadence Translate

How Airdev helped Cadence Translate connect Salesforce data to a custom no-code gig portal in just weeks

Cadence Translate is a leading provider of language services to the global business and investment community.

Founded in 2014 with the goal to connect the private sector with world-class translators, Cadence Translate experienced rapid growth over a short period of time. By 2018, it had reached 2,500 professional linguists and realized that Salesforce’s per-seat cost model would become too burdensome at scale.

To find a more growth-friendly alternative, Cadence partnered with Airdev to reduce stress and cost by connecting Salesforce data to a custom no-code gig portal for thousands of its expert translators.

The results? 

  • 400% increase in jobs processed per month
  • 3-fold growth in company revenue
  • Longer lasting relationships with interpreters and clients
In just weeks, Airdev created an elegantly streamlined version of our previous gig management platform, built on top of our Salesforce data. The result became an instant hit with our network of linguists, while dramatically reducing the time we spend on ongoing maintenance."
Matt Conger
CEO and Founder of Cadence

The OBJEctive

Cadence’s goal was simple. It needed a system that could scale to thousands of users around the world without financially harming the business. This system needed to allow its account managers — the backbone of the operation — to efficiently do the following:

  • Look over many different interpreter profiles 
  • Notify and query the interpreters about a job
  • Present the selected interpreter to the client in a credible way 

Unfortunately, its existing platform, Salesforce, was too expensive to grow with this need.

Cadence Translate
Cadence Translate
Cadence Translate
Cadence Translate
Cadence Translate
Cadence Translate


In 2018, Cadence partnered with Airdev to build a custom no-code gig portal using Bubble. This platform took the underlying structure of Salesforce’s data and connected it to a lightweight web app that could scale to thousands of different users without any additional per-user cost.

Airdev’s Approach

Defining the scope of work is the critical first step of any software project. To assist this process, Airdev assigned Cadence a dedicated Product Manager to work closely with its key stakeholders and translate its needs into a detailed scope doc with product descriptions and wireframes. This allowed Airdev and Cadence to fully align on the product’s functionality and definition of success so that Airdev’s visual development team could confidently hit every deadline.

Throughout the build, Cadence was able to review progress with its Product Manager and provide feedback. This ensured everything went according to plan and the platform launched ready to meet the objectives in just weeks. 


Cadence immediately felt the benefits of its new Salesforce-integrated portal. Before building an app with Airdev, its staff could only process around 80 interpreter jobs per month. After the new gig portal launched, Cadence grew its capacity to process around 400 jobs per month. With this new ability to manage so much more at scale, Cadence’s revenue tripled. 

“This wouldn’t have been possible without Airdev and their commitment to building a system that scaled specifically for our needs…It really helped us go from using Salesforce as an internal-only tool to something that all users across the world could log into and be perfectly in-synch.” - Matt Conger

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