Know exactly where your Bubble app stands

Get a detailed report of the current state of your Bubble app, along with a plan to make it more secure, performant, and scalable.

Why get a Bubble app audit?

Bubble owners choose a comprehensive audit to identify & prevent the risks that plague apps as they scale, including:

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Data Leaks

80% of Bubble apps have security vulnerabilities; more users means more risk of costly and damaging data leaks.

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Latency & Crashes

Poor app design can cause slowdowns, inconsistency, and crashes that are entirely preventable on Bubble.

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Cost Spikes

Spikes in "workload units" (WUs) can lead to unexpected surges in Bubble app costs as an app scales.

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Technical debt

Bubble allows for rapid feature development, but also rapid accumulation of technical debt that can stall future progress.

What you get from our Bubble app audit

The audit is a comprehensive, step-by-step review of every part of your application

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We evaluate the data structure, privacy rules, option sets, and linkages against the current and potential future needs of the application.

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We check for potential vulnerabilities and risks in the application, including exposed data and not secured pages/workflows.

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We evaluate the proper use of reusables, search logic, as well as clear and concise workflows (custom, backend, loops, scheduled API workflows).

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We evaluate the general user experience, including intuitive navigation, feedback to users, responsive design, smooth transitions, etc.

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We check whether the application has clean and organized workflows and elements, and will allow for easy maintenance and expansion.

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Action plan

We create a custom action plan based on what we discover and rank each action item on importance and level of effort.

How the audit works

Below are the steps in the audit process

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You submit a request for a quote and add Airdev as a collaborator to the application

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We review the complexity your app and determine which of the packages below applies

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You provide more context about your app, including a video walkthrough

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One of our expert developers goes through every aspect of your app and writes a detailed report on it

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You receive the report and can use it to prioritize your future development and cleanup efforts

Audit packages & pricing

Our pricing is tailored to your app's size and complexity.
We will take a look at your application and determine which package fit your needs.

Small apps
Such as a simple single-page listings app with an admin portal
Medium apps
Such as a standard two-sided marketplace with listings, payments, and reviews
Large apps
Such as a SaaS product with many database objects and API integrations
Talk to us
Such as an enterprise CRM app with lots of pages, db objects, integrations, and automations

Want to know where your app stands?