Airdev core values

Our core values represent our cultural and operational DNA: we use them to navigate tough decisions, build trust within our team, and to find inspiration in our work.

Illustration of a man staring at his computer screen

Excellence in our craft

We treat our work as our craft, putting in the extra effort to get it right and sharpen our skills.


  • We hold ourselves and those we work with to the highest standards

  • We pay attention to the small details, even when no one is looking

  • We have a growth mindset, using challenges to better ourselves

  • We focus on inputs such as process, effort, and thoughtfulness

watch out for

  • Getting stuck in the small details – things need to get done (keep in mind the 80/20 rule)

  • Missing an easier way to do something

  • Taking on too much in the name of excellence and growth

People matter

We take care of people we work with, treating each one like a person and not a transaction.


  • We do our best to provide interesting and rewarding work

  • We optimize for flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance

  • We are honest and transparent, trusting people to handle the truth

  • We empathize with one another, and offer help when someone is struggling

watch out for

  • Avoiding difficult conversations to “be nice” – being upfront is part of treating people well

Same team

We approach our client work as co-owners, not vendors.


  • We prioritize long-term client success, not short-term revenue

  • We are clear and transparent about what we think is right, what we can and cannot do

  • We provide guidance and pushback where needed

watch out for

  • Blindly accepting tasks from clients to make them happy

  • Oversteering our client’s vision; we should offer our counsel but then commit to their decisions

Do what you say

We build trust through repeatedly setting clear expectations and meeting (or exceeding) them.


  • We are clear with our commitments, so that everyone understands what’s expected

  • We hold ourselves accountable for what we agreed to, without prodding

  • We are careful with the deadlines that we commit to, building in buffer as necessary

  • We look for opportunities to delight

watch out for

  • Being afraid to make commitments

  • Underpromising to overdeliver – expectations should be real so they can be planned around

  • Sticking to a bad plan just because you “said it” - it’s ok to change decisions or reset expectations based on new information

Build systems

We create systems around everything we do in order to avoid reinventing the wheel.


  • We create processes, tools, written guidance, and checklists to make our work efficient and consistently superb

  • We think modularly, breaking work into components in order to standardize parts without disrupting the whole

  • We find and eliminate bottlenecks in order to scale

watch out for

  • Creating systems earlier than necessary – in the beginning it’s often better to do something manually

  • Being inflexible because of a system that we created – anything can be changed

Substance over hype

We value good ideas and hard work, and stay away from herd mentality.


  • We look for the best ideas, no matter who they come from (and invite respectful dissent from anyone)

  • We create training and selection processes to eliminate bias and ignore bluster in favor of true skills and potential

  • We focus on the content being presented instead of presentation style

  • We optimize for the good of the organization, putting aside ego and personal agenda

watch out for

  • Not talking about our achievements – people need to know about us to understand the value we provide

  • Avoiding something just because others are doing it – they might be doing it for a reason

Make it better

We are never satisfied with the status quo and are always looking to improve and explore.


  • We look for 1% changes that compound over time

  • We are not afraid to drastically overhaul something, even if it’s hard

  • We have a bias for action, even in the face of uncertainty

  • We proactively address issues without owners, and never say “that’s not my problem”

  • We aim to simplify whenever possible

  • We explore our passions and curiosities, knowing they often yield unexpected benefits

watch out for

  • Making changes just for the sake of making changes – sometimes the best thing to do is to leave something alone and let it play out

  • Trying to do everything at once – prioritization and patience are important