freelance experts

Add an expert Bubble freelancer to your team

Add vetted top 3% Bubble developers to your team on a freelance basis. Best for companies experienced with building software products.


Work with top developers, flexibly and cost efficiently

Rest assured you’re getting the best talent

We have an extensive vetting and testing process for Bubble skills as well as collaboration abilities. Only 3% of applicants make it to our developer pool.

Bring your own product management

You manage the product requirements, the long-term roadmap, and the process. The developer executes based on your guidance.

Get a little or a lot of time

You choose how much time you want from your freelancer - from 20 hours per month all the way up to full-time. Scale up or down any time.

Collaborate however you want

You can use any communication and project management tools to work with your freelancer, so that they can fit into your process vs. the other way around.


What our clients are saying

Andrés Vélez, CEO of Tributi

Our highly experienced Product Owners will help you think through your concept and figure out the right way to build it.

Andrés Vélez, CEO of Tributi

Our highly experienced Product Owners will help you think through your concept and figure out the right way to build it.

Andrés Vélez, CEO of Tributi

Our highly experienced Product Owners will help you think through your concept and figure out the right way to build it.


It’s easy to find the right person

Describe your needs

Tell us more about your business, project, and experience level with Bubble. One of our project specialists will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, team dynamics, and evaluate program fit.

Get matched with an expert

We'll match you with a Bubble expert based on your project's requirements and set up a meeting. Most of our clients hire their Bubble expert within a week, but we'll keep searching until we find your perfect match.

The right fit, guaranteed

Once you've picked your Bubble expert, start working with them. Manage them however you want, invite them to your Slack channel, work management platform, or any tool your team uses. If at any point you want us to replace or add on additional experts, we'll start the matching process over.


Compare pricing for our 2 models

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Hire and manage a freelance developer for building or coaching

$1k+ per month

Rate depends on experience level and monthly hours (min 10)

  • Airdev will match you with a vetted Bubble expert
  • Build a new app or get help with an existing app
  • No Product Manager, you manage the freelancer directly
  • Use any tool(s) to communicate with your freelancer
  • Best suited for those experienced with software development
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Hire a fully managed team to build your product

$10k+ total

Total price depends on build length and complexity

  • Airdev will staff a full team and manage the build for you
  • Build a new app or update an existing app
  • Includes an experienced Product Manager
  • Use our portal to communicate with your team
  • No software development needed, Airdev ensures outcome